

AIAM Therapies

  • Because this is viral in nature, the patented SCS System therapy from AIAM directly attacks the virus through the daily topical application of the products in our therapy system

  • The small vertical thin growths of skin or eruptions that are so symptomatic of Molluscum can easily spread to various parts of the body, so containment is essential in the AIAM protocols.

  • If not treated properly, the condition may cause secondary infections. The SCS System prevents the spread of the virus to reduce the risk of secondary infections. If eczema appears around the lesions, our therapies will also eradicate the eczema.

  • Dear AIAM,
    Just a short note to say thank you for sending my father your lotions and soaps. He is using them faithfully, and having excellent results!..........After more than a year of trying everything the dermatologists could think of, and months of Prednisone therapy that had little or no effect, it only took a week or so of using your products….to completely clear up his skin. He is almost out of some of your products and would like to order more. Please rush me an order form and price list.
    Best Regards, Teena.