


AIAM Therapies

  • The SCS System therapy for treating psoriasis is extremely successful if the patient is willing and committed to being symptom free and following the treatment schedule that is provided by the American Institute of Advanced Medicine.  If not, we strongly suggest that you look elsewhere for a solution to your problem, as we cannot do you any good unless you are committed to following our protocol which has been successful with children and adults. 
  • In most cases, allow 12 to 15 weeks for your psoriasis to clear.  The AIAM will send you their patented therapies and will give you a daily routine to follow in order to help you rid your body of these frustrating symptoms.  The SCS (Skin Care Solutions) Therapy includes FDA-approved external and internal treatments and a number of natural, common-sense instructions are included.  Continue with the therapy another six (6) weeks after cleared of symptoms.
  • When skin flaking has stopped and your skin in the affected area appears bright red or pinkish, you will notice that over a period of weeks the affected areas will start to blend in color with the rest of your skin.  During this treatment schedule, you should not experience any adverse side effects.     

  • For over 7 years I suffered with a sore on my ankle.  I went to several doctors, used multiple treatments, but the symptoms never went away.  The only time it got any better was when I went to a resort on the beach and I noticed that plenty of sun and salt water seemed to help.  Still frustrated but “living with it” a friend suggested I contact the professionals at the American Institute of Advanced Medicine.  They diagnosed the condition as psoriasis, something that no one else had done.  They sent me their liquid solutions and their protocols.  I followed them to the letter.  Several weeks later, the sore on my ankle was gone and I have remained symptom free.

    Glen, Portland, OR